Equip Slot Macro Classic
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Macro for Wow: Trinket for PVE. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria. Posted on: - Updated on: - viewed 44762 times. Im new to the game, ive only been playing for a month and i got a trinket that has a 'use' option and it kind of gets tedious whenever i want to use it i have to press 'C' to pull up my character sheet and click on the trinket. By default, the first page will have 12 macros with various simple commands. Right-clicking one shows the window to edit a macro: The textbox in the top left is the name of the macro, the buttons on the right set a color that the name will be shown with. The bottom five lines contain the commands of the macro.
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Lots of requests for Weapon Swaps, so here are some of the basics. From these you should be able to substitute the Spell of your choice and swap away!
Please Note: If you are spamming these it is possible for you to hit the macro before the game registers that you have the correct weapon in hand, which will cause you to switch weapons again instead of casting the appropriate ability.
We have also heard of people having trouble with these macros when using non-standard UIs or ¡°Bar¡± addons.
/equipslot <slot> <itemname>

Hit it once to switch to a dagger, then spam it to cast Ambush as soon as it's ready. I generally use this in conjunction with the Weapon-Swap then Backstab macro below. This allows me to toggle back to my main weapon after I de-stealth.
/equip <item name>
/cast Ambush

/cast Backstab
/run UseContainerItem(x,y)
/cast [equipped:daggers] backstab; equip <dagger name>
The first macro will equip a dagger then cast Mutilate.
/cast [noequipped:One-HandSword] Mutilate
/equip [equipped:Sword] <dagger name>
This one will equip a sword, then cast Sinister Strike.
/cast [equipped:Sword] Sinister Strike;
/equip [noequipped:Sword] <sword name>
This macro swaps your Main-Hand weapon with your Off-Hand weapon.
/equipslot 16 <link weapon>
/equipslot 17 <link weapon>
Or, you could try using a Modifier (shift/ctrl/alt) or Button:
/equipslot 16 [button:2] <weapon name>, <weapon name>
/equipslot 17 [button:2] <weapon name>, <weapon name>
So in theory, you can Right-Click the macro to equip the first named items, or Left-Click the macro to equip the second named items.
MAIN-HAND WEAPON SWAP (Right-Click / Left-Click)
Left-click to equip the second weapon, right-click to equip the first weapon.

/equipslot 16 [button:2] <weapon name>, <weapon name>
This one is similar, but is not Main-Hand specific:
/equip [button:2] <weapon name>, <weapon name>
If you are stealthed it will equip a dagger, if you are not stealthed it will equip a sword. If you have a dagger equipped and are stealthed it will cast Ambush. If you have a One-Handed Sword equipped it will cast Hemorrhage.
/equip [stealth] <dagger name>, [nostealth] <sword name>
/cast [equipped:daggers, stealth] Ambush; [equipped: One-Handed Swords] Hemorrhage
This macro will stealth, then switch main and off hand weapons, cast back stab, then switch weapons again all in one macro. Reset the /castsequence by pressing ctrl then clicking the macro.
/castsequence reset=ctrl Stealth, Backstab
/script PickupInventoryItem(16); PickupInventoryItem(17)
This looks for your Sword and if it IS equipped, it will swap in the Dagger. If the Sword is NOT equipped, then it will swap in the Sword.
/script if strfind(GetInventoryItemLink('player',16)or', '<sword name>') then EquipItemByName('<dagger name>', 16) else EquipItemByName('<sword name>', 16) end

[ Disclaimer, Create new user --- Wiki markup help, Install P99 ]
A Macro is a customizable hotkey with 5 lines (1 command per line and a pause), you can store 12 per page and have 10 pages of macros. Common macros, include pulling, spell casting, corpse dragging. Your macros are stored per character file 'Yourcharactername_project1999.ini' in your EQ directory.
For directions on how to make hotkeys to invoke macros, see the Advanced_Techniques_Guide under 'Macros'.
Macro Commands
Sample commands used in macros:
/autoinventory (good when foraging i.e.)
/Gsay incoming with %T
/memspellset Doesn't seem to work in P99
Percent Target Descriptors
Shortcut | Value Checked | Result |
%T | Target's Name | A Qeunos Guard |
%S | Gendered Subject Pronoun | he/she/it |
%O | Gendered Object Pronoun | him/her/it |
%P | Gendered Possessive Pronoun | his/hers/its |
%R | Target's Race (players only) | Human |
Format: /cast [number of spell gem (1-8)]
Format: /doability [number on Abilities page or Combat page of Actions window]
Wow Classic Equip Slot Macro
- /doability 4 <will do the 4th Skill on Abilities Page>
- /doability 7 <will do the 3rd Skill on Combat page>
Abilities Menu | |||
[1] | [2] | [Melee] | [Ranged] |
[3] | [4] | [7] | [8] |
[5] | [6] | [9] | [10] |
Format: /disc [name of Discipline]
Example: /disc Righteous Indignation
Pause commands are special as they are executed at the end of each macro line even though they are typed at the front. Pauses a macro sequence for 10 * x milliseconds. The actual value is a little lower, so /pause 500 is approximately 60 seconds +/- a couple seconds for server ticks. Pause cannot go over 70 seconds.
Remember to account for your latency to the server when adding pauses in your macro. A higher latency may require a longer pause than someone with a lower latency.
Equip Slot Numbers Wow Classic
Format: /pause [#]
- /pause 10 <pauses for 1 second>
- /pause 15 <pauses for 1.5 seconds>
- /pause 100 <pauses for 10 seconds>
Doesn't seem to work in P99
Timer will not go over 7 hours
Bind Wound
- Line 1: /pause 100, /doability #
- Line 2: /pause 100, /doability #
- Line 3: /pause 100, /doability #
- Line 4: /pause 100, /doability #
- Line 5: /doability #
Alternate Line 5: /sit
Corpse Dragging
- Line 1: /pause 10, /corpse
- Line 2: /pause 10, /corpse
- Line 3: /pause 10, /corpse
- Line 4: /pause 10, /corpse
- Line 5: /corpse
Dragging Two Corpses
- /pause 2, /target Name'
- /pause 2, /corpse
- /pause 2, /target Name'
- /corpse
Leveling Casting Skills

This will cast the spell in your top spell slot once every 6 seconds for 5 casts.
- Line 1: /pause 60, /cast 1
- Line 2: /pause 60, /cast 1
- Line 3: /pause 60, /cast 1
- Line 4: /pause 60, /cast 1
- Line 5: /cast 1
Cannibalize Stand Sit
pause 14 for Canni 1, 2 & 3
pause 26 for Canni 4
- /pause 2, /stand
- /pause 14, /cast 1
- /sit
Equip Slot Macro Classic Wow
Pet Attack Different Target
This requires the player to be targeting the npc they want their pet to attack instead.
- /pause 2, /pet back
- /pet attack
Pet Back Follow
Backs the pet off a target to their owner and off their guard spot.
This can also be used to trick the fire ele pet into casting DS on it self
Equip Slot Macro Wow Classic
- /pause 2, /pet back
- /pet follow